MGT Developer Toolbar - Installation
Installation via Composer
To install the MGT Developer Toolbar Module for Magento 2 with composer, do the following steps.
Connect via SSH to your server.
Go to the Magento installation directory and execute the following command:
composer require --dev mgtcommerce/module-mgtdevelopertoolbar
If you are running a server with multiple PHP Versions, you may want to use the following command:
php8.2 /usr/local/bin/composer require --dev mgtcommerce/module-mgtdevelopertoolbar
Installation without Composer
Download the file from Github.
Extract archive and copy all directories from src/app/code/ to app/code/
Enable Module
- Enable the Mgt DeveloperToolbar module:
php8.2 bin/magento module:enable Mgt_DeveloperToolbar
- Run the command
php8.2 bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Run the command
to generate the DI configuration:
php8.2 bin/magento setup:di:compile
- Run the command
to deploy static files:
php8.2 bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- Login into the Magento Backend and go to Stores --> Settings --> Configuration and enable the developer toolbar.

- Done! You should see now the MGT Developer Toolbar:

Disable Full Page Cache
To prevent caching issues, make sure to disable the Full Page Cache during the development.
To disable the Magento Full Page Cache, open the file app/etc/env.php
and change full_page to 0.